Search changeset history for specific source file change
Let's say I made a change several changesets ago that removed some code in a file. I don't remember what changeset/workitem did that work. I do remember some unique text that was part of the code removed that I can search on. Is it possible to search through any changeset history data to find the changeset that would have made that change?
One answer
You search for change sets with the "Search -> Jazz Source Control ->
Change Set" operation. But currently, you do not have an option to
specify content that you want to search by.
I've submitted work item 90832 for this enhancement (I thought we'd
discussed this a while ago in the SCM team, but I couldn't find a work
item for it).
tfeeney wrote:
Change Set" operation. But currently, you do not have an option to
specify content that you want to search by.
I've submitted work item 90832 for this enhancement (I thought we'd
discussed this a while ago in the SCM team, but I couldn't find a work
item for it).
tfeeney wrote:
Let's say I made a change several changesets ago that removed some
code in a file. I don't remember what changeset/workitem did that
work. I do remember some unique text that was part of the code
removed that I can search on. Is it possible to search through any
changeset history data to find the changeset that would have made
that change?