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I installed RQM free V2.0 but can not allocate the username

Arkadiy Ben (111) | asked Aug 20 '09, 5:33 p.m.

I successfully installed RQM tool V2.0 :D , free version for 60 days and i am getting login screen for the tool after activation for username and passowrd :D .
Please help me to understand where i should take from temporarly username and password for 60 days :( ?

Thx Arik

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Aug 20 '09, 6:05 p.m.

I successfully installed RQM tool V2.0 :D , free version for 60 days and i am getting login screen for the tool after activation for username and passowrd :D .
Please help me to understand where i should take from temporarly username and password for 60 days :( ?

Thx Arik

This is probably the same as RTC - username ADMIN, password ADMIN should get you started. Create users and use those logins after that.

You can also try the RQM forum - that will have useful info for you (and people more knowledgeable about RQM :-)


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