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How to retrieve artifact types from DOORS NG using OSLC REST API?

viral kondhia (1127) | asked Aug 04 '16, 2:17 a.m.

I am using OSLC REST API to connect to DOORS NG.

I want to retrieve list of artifact types using OSLC REST like business goal, feature, etc which is there in RM application 


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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Aug 04 '16, 11:45 a.m.
edited Aug 04 '16, 12:09 p.m.
You can get artifact types and it attributes using the OSLC REST API looking for resource shapes.

Check the OSLC Workshop article, lab 5 to navigate the RM app and get to the resource shapes, ie <oslc:resourceShape rdf:resource="https://your.server:9443/rm/types/_some_UUID"/>

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