RMExtensions API: catch changes made to a module
I would like to catch all changes made to a module via the RMExtensionsAPI, i.e. whenever artifacts are added, moved or removed. Is there any way to accomplish this? I would have expected the event ARTIFACT_SAVED to be triggered (with ref to the module) but this seems to be not the case (using 6.0.4). Any ideas?
Thank you!
One answer
I'll preface this with saying that I have never used OSLC. Nevertheless, maybe my comment could be helpful.
I do know that if you modify and save artifacts that are within a module, it does not change the modified date of the module itself. If you aren't already, you'll likely have to examine the artifacts individually to test whether "artifact_saved" is being triggered.
Just wondering if there's any way you can access the audit history for the module? It seems like you have to compare against a prior version of the module, so if you could read that through the API, at least, you could come up with some means to identify changes. Perhaps using the date time of the most recent baseline compared against date time of recent updates.
Once again, not exactly sure if this is even possible, but would be interested in knowing if you come up with a solution.