WAS crash running RS, LQE and DCC
Accepted answer
We found that first of all we exhaust the native memory (although we have 32 GB on the machine).
This is because the space addressed with standard settings in only 4 GB.
so you need to change the JVM args to run with the -Xnocompressedrefs (opposite of default from the guideline)
after that we started getting HEAP outofmemoryexception instead.
This meant that we needed to increase the jvm heap little by little until stabile.
for our server running RS and LQE that size was 16 GB - for another server running both RS,LQE and DCC it was 18 GB
this was our settings in Application servers > server1 > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine
-Xmx18g -Xms18g -Xmn4g -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xnocompressedrefs -Xgc:preferredHeapBase=0x100000000 -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G
One other answer
create a PMR with support and work with them to look at the core dumps to find out why the crash happened.
With this few information your question is pointless to be asked here.
create a PMR with support and work with them to look at the core dumps to find out why the crash happened.
With this few information your question is pointless to be asked here.
Hi Ralph,
I already have that - I just wanted to share the solution - but last time I included the answer in the question I got a negative response from the moderator :-)
can you provide basic details like Versions, OS's, topology?
After I saw your response I figured as much. I will accept your answer. Thanks!
I was quite puzzled that someone like you posted such a question without the usual details needed.....
WAS 8.0 base on windows server 2012 on SQL server.
CLM 6.0.2 ifix3 :-) Distributed enterprise topology.
You know you can edit your question, don't you?