RTC+Git connector setup
Hi all,
I followed this link to setup the RTC+Git connection,
but didn't understand how to set up Git over Apache Smart HTTP Server.
Can anybody who succeeded with this architecture explain it's done?
2 answers
Here are the links on the Integration using Apache:
We have introduced the Integration using Nodejs in 6.0, which is simpler to setup, you can have a look at this at our infocenter
Hi Shubjit, several posts indicate that users have problems with getting the NodJS version to work:
There seems not to be a satisfying answer yet.
Hi Ralph
Thanks for pointing out those links, I recently updating my notifications with git tags.
The integration does not work with the default settings if we try the Basic authentication in config.json.
We have modify the web.xml files in JTS/RTC and change the authentication mode from FORM to BASIC and it works well.
The integration does not work with the default settings if we try the Basic authentication in config.json.
We have modify the web.xml files in JTS/RTC and change the authentication mode from FORM to BASIC and it works well.
We got it working for one of our customers:
I will add my comments on the other posts as well.
Hi Shubjit,
Step 2 in the infocenter suggests downloading a Rational Team Concert Node.js server version 6.0 or later from the download page.
What installation exactly do I need to download from this page?
Hi Yael
From our jazz.net page you need to download the rtc_git_server_toolkit . The link is from our latest version, you can download the same from the version of RTC you are setting up with.
You can download Nodejs from this Link
Here are some additional articles that would help setup Nodejs server and the Integration.
1 vote
Hi Shubjit,
I used the links you sent me to setup this integration, using LDAP as an authProfile.
However, I have an unsolved issue -
Assuming my git repository is named "git-repo", the repository data on the git server is located under directory titled "123", which is "git-repo"'s ID number (we are using bitBucket by Atlassian, and this is a standard configuration). When I try cloning using the git repository name [git clone http://git-srv:8888/git/git-repo.git] I get the error:
fatal: http://git-srv:8888/git/git-repo.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?
however, when I run the same command using the repository's ID, the clone is successful. I'm using git v1.8.4, RTC 6.0.2, nodejs 0.10.9.
Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Yael
The git-repo variable per the article seems to be the full path to the parent folder which is holding the git repositories. So in this case to clone, looks like, you would need to mention the folder name in the URL.
Since 123 in your example is the directory name, it seems to work only with that.
Hi Shubjit,
Thanks for the quick reply!
Using the repository ID number to clone the repository isn't a good solution,
because as you clone the repository "123", the local root folder created in the client side is also named "123"..
This is the standard BitBucket server architecture, so there must be a better solution!
Atlassian documentation about the ID representation in the server:
Do you have any suggestion?