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Is it possible to change an RTC work item ID in the back-end database using a SQL Server query?

Matthew Clark (10711347) | asked Jul 13 '16, 2:59 p.m.
If it is possible, what CCM table is this data stored in?  Can someone provide a sample query?  Thanks!

Accepted answer

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185201) | answered Jul 13 '16, 4:50 p.m.
It might be possible, but there are no good reasons to attempt.   The ID is updated on each new work item and I would expect that there are constraints that prevent "reusing" the ID so you couldn't change work item #100 to work item #10.  Conversely, if the highest current id is 1000, changing some id to 1024 might break something in the future.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 14 '16, 3:22 a.m.

This is definitely nothing you should do for many many reasons. You are not supposed to do any operation directly on the databases, unless support suggests to do so. The chance of breaking your database is high and it is also not even possible to access the data directly in many cases.

One other answer

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Matthew Clark (10711347) | answered Jul 14 '16, 11:46 a.m.
Thanks guys. The plan was to delete an old work item, and replace a newer work item with the old ID. We needed to do this because a multi-select field on the old work item was set to medium size and running out of string bytes. I did a quick search of the CCM database and was unable to find the data I was looking for.

We are going with a different solution that does not involve changing back-end data. Thanks again!

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