RTC: Type is not getting set when importing work items from csv
I have CLM 6.0.2 iFix 002 installed.
I have a new phase of work items I want to import into RTC that I have in a csv file.
I have a column "Type" and set the values to be Epic, Story and Task.
However when I import the csv file via Eclipse - all the work items come in as Problems.
This used to work in 5.0.2.
Accepted answer
Do you have a valid mapping file? If the type is changed and that type does have a different workflow you aill see exactly what happens to the workflow state in your description.
I created the mapping file and the items imported as the correct type.
I am still getting the error in the widget where all tasks have a status of Triage when in fact they are all New.
Like everything else (except strings and basic numbers) , work item states must be mapped as well.
Thank you
Heather Linsk
Jun 30 '16, 12:53 p.m.On a related note:
Once I imported the work items and changed the type to task for the selection that were tasks, their status appeared as New in a query, however when I used that query in a Widget to group by state, those items were marked as Triage - as if they were still problems.
How do I get the chart to correctly reflect the states?