How to fetch stream names from different Project Area in Rational Team Concert using lscm.bat?

lscm.bat list streams -m 2500 -r https://intranet:9443/ccm1/
The problem is that it returns names of streams only from one project area. I am sure that the total number of streams across all project areas is less than 2500, so increasing that number in the hope of getting all stream listed is not the answer.
How do I make it return streams names from a different project area? Is there a command line option that I need to pass?
One answer


I have several eclipse workspaces, each connects to the same server (the -r value is the same) but each may be managing different project areas. So which one of these workspaces is lscm.bat looking at when it lists out the stream? Because I am running it from the command prompt in a different directory to any of the workspaces.

If 'lscm' is run on a sandbox and that workspace is also tracked by the Eclipse client then lscm uses the daemon process of the Eclipse client.