Test case excel import attribute identifier
Request your help,
In RQM, i have created 4 costume attributes (text fields),
i want to import the data from the excel sheet to RQM to these costume attributes.
In cfg file it is asking for "testcase.customAttributes identifier=" ,
how to find the identifier of these attributes.
Please your help needs in this.
Thanks and Regards,
2 answers
You will need to download the RQMURLUtility I do not have the URL but just do a search of Jazz.net to find that.
Once you have the installation you use the DOS Command Line prompt to run the utility. I have pasted an example of a Test Case command line you will use to get the custom attributes information you need:
java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user **** -password "****" -filepath C:\\DownLoad_XML.txt -url "https://jts.ent.corp.xxxx.com:9443/jazz/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/IM_CLM+%28Quality+Management%29/testcase/urn:com.ibm.rqm:testcase:15667"
Note you will need to change the above for the following:
**** - Insert your Admin user ID
**** - Insert your Admin user ID password
-filepath: Select where you want the output to be saved
Within the quotes "https..." you will need to:
1/ change the "jts.ent.corp.xxxx.com:9443" to match your companies URL
2/ change the project name, in the above example it is "IM_CLM+%28Quality+Management%29"
3/ change the number 15667 at the end to match the Test Case number you wish to extract.
Eventually the entry in your .cfg file should look something like this:
testcase.customAttributes identifier="__Subject_Area".name="1 Subject Area".value=K4
Hi Powell,
Thanks for your reply.
When i am trying to access the project with the below command and URL:
java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user <XXX> -password <XXX> -filepath C:\Test.txt -url "https://XXXXX:9443/jts/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/RQM:%20Mobily%20IBM%20QA%20Project%20Area+%28Quality+Management
I am getting below error:
Error 503: CRJAZ1168E The following service was requested but cannot run: com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService
Can you please guide me on this.
and my project name is RQM: Mobily IBM QA Project Area,
How to give the Provide the project name in URL (EX: RQM:%20Mobily%20IBM%20QA%20Project%20Area+%28Quality+Management
%29) Is this name is correct/
Please help me in this.
Thanking You...!
You can get the "Project alias" using an URL like this:
For more information please refer to:
Thank you