API to fill issuer field in support type workitem
I am using ALM client API to work on my customized tool.
Whenever the support request comes through an email, i am creating support workitem out my email. I have set all attributes other than 'Issuer' text. Please let me know the API to fill the 'Issuer' text box by passing string.
I am using ALM client API to work on my customized tool.
Whenever the support request comes through an email, i am creating support workitem out my email. I have set all attributes other than 'Issuer' text. Please let me know the API to fill the 'Issuer' text box by passing string.
One answer
what alm tool?
issuer (reported by, .. ) requires that the user be registered in the RTC system. it is not a 'string', it is a User entry from the RTC user database
issuer (reported by, .. ) requires that the user be registered in the RTC system. it is not a 'string', it is a User entry from the RTC user database
Thanks for your response Sam. I am developing one tool by using RTC Client libraries.
From an email i am creating support ticket via plugin project code. In that i couldn't find how to fill issuer text box value via java code.
For example: if ‘A’ person has sent an email for some issue then issuer should be 'A' when i am creating support ticket. I have retrieved the name but i don't know how to set it automatically via API.