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How can I practice in RTC Eclipse as an admin?

Adam Scott (112) | asked Jun 07 '16, 9:17 a.m.
edited Jun 07 '16, 5:04 p.m.
I joined as a member on, but do not have full admin privileges in the Sandbox. Is there something I can do so I can practice full rights of a Configuration Manager? Create Streams and Builds, Add New Users, etc.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 07 '16, 7:53 p.m.
You cannot have the "full" administrative privileges, as that would be reserved to the JazzAdmins role, who is the real administrators of the servers. But you should be the Project Administrator of your own project. If you want to use the Configuration Management feature, remember to include this when requesting the sandbox, as you cannot add it after the sandbox is created.

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