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RTC admin spamming emails from a closed work item

man fire (7111210) | asked Aug 13 '09, 1:40 p.m.

Hi guyys, this urgent , for somereason a closed work item has rtc spamming emails with ADMIN <ADMIN> changed on Jul 21, 2009 at 2:53:57 PM PT:

so Admin is sending emails.I took off the subscribers but its still sending emails. Normally the ://loopback:9080 isn't in the url sending emails but this has happened for the first time.

Any quick insight would be appreciated.Thanks.

2 answers

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Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Aug 13 '09, 2:23 p.m.
manonfire wrote:

Hi guyys, this urgent , for somereason a closed work item has rtc
spamming emails with ADMIN <ADMIN> changed on Jul 21, 2009 at
2:53:57 PM PT:

so Admin is sending emails.I took off the subscribers but its still
sending emails. Normally the ://loopback:9080 isn't in the url
sending emails but this has happened for the first time.

Any quick insight would be appreciated.Thanks.

Please open a work item against "Work Item", this sounds familar.

Benjamin Pasero
Work Item & UI Commons Team

permanent link
man fire (7111210) | answered Aug 17 '09, 6:17 p.m.
The reason for this spam was that another RTC instance was being run against the same email settings.As soon as the settings were turned off , the emails stopped.

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