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Beta 3 is now available

Erich Gamma (18687) | asked May 16 '08, 6:14 p.m.
We have finished the sanity checking of the RC2 build and we have promoted it to Beta 3. This is the final beta release of Rational Team Concert 1.0 / Jazz Platform 0.6.

The following fixes went into Beta 3:

The download page:

The new&noteworthy (since Beta 2):

An FAQ about the new editions and licensing support:

Jazz PMC

5 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered May 16 '08, 6:29 p.m.
Erich, the link for the fixes points to jazzdev:

Here is a fixed link:

permanent link
Hiroki Kondo (2642) | answered May 26 '08, 10:19 p.m.
Hi egamma and rjaouani,

I downloaded "Jazz Team Server Source Package" to ask some questions at
RSDC2008.(Year,I will attend there!Now I'm exciting.)

But I unziped the file, some file is broken,which is anounced by my
unzip application. Is the file correct?

Erich, the link for the fixes points to jazzdev:

Here is a fixed link:

permanent link
yu wang (48816245) | answered May 27 '08, 5:50 a.m.
who install with DB2/WAS/LDAP successfully.
Can you share your experience?

I can't pass Configure Database of setup.
it display Loading Database Connection settings...

I have installed beta2/m6 successfully.I don't know I miss anything on beta3

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John Camelon (1.7k14) | answered May 27 '08, 10:36 a.m.
Hiroki Kondo wrote:
Hi egamma and rjaouani,

I downloaded "Jazz Team Server Source Package" to ask some questions at
RSDC2008.(Year,I will attend there!Now I'm exciting.)

But I unziped the file, some file is broken,which is anounced by my
unzip application. Is the file correct?

Erich, the link for the fixes points to jazzdev:

Here is a fixed link:

I believe there are some issues w/excessively long path names in the
beta3 source distribution. All other files should be intact however.


permanent link
Hiroki Kondo (2642) | answered May 28 '08, 2:16 a.m.
Thank you, John.

I can extract on Ubuntu Linux.And I have completed to copy files on
Windows XP now.

John Camelon wrote:
Hiroki Kondo wrote:
Hi egamma and rjaouani,

I downloaded "Jazz Team Server Source Package" to ask some questions
at RSDC2008.(Year,I will attend there!Now I'm exciting.)

But I unziped the file, some file is broken,which is anounced by my
unzip application. Is the file correct?

Erich, the link for the fixes points to jazzdev:

Here is a fixed link:

I believe there are some issues w/excessively long path names in the
beta3 source distribution. All other files should be intact however.


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