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Customizing the DCC to add new ETL to load RQM attachmentURL and Request Description

sarath babu (15525) | asked Jun 02 '16, 6:36 a.m.

We are customizing the DCC to add RTC Description and RQM Attachment into new table in DW. We have taken the TTL file from JAR file and made the necessary changes to pull RTC Description and AttachmentURL  in The ttl file and placed them in mapping folder. After placing in the mapping folder i went to https://server:port/dcc/ in the browser and clicked on load jobs. i see only new Change and Configuration Management - Work Items 3 added in DCC job but for QM no new thing is added. but attachmenturl is loading in the DW.

can anyone please let me know if i add new etl in mapping folder does new flows get created in DCC jobs.

Ryan Boyce commented Aug 07 '17, 6:01 p.m. | edited Aug 13 '17, 5:02 p.m.

 Sarath, we are doing the exact same thing, and are on the exact same spot. We tried adding our ttl file in this same manner, and no new jobs showed up. Furthermore, multiple DCC jobs failed with this new file in the mapping folder. 

I see this post was from last year. Did you finally have success adding a new ETL? If so, could you share some of your knowledge with us? And if you are still working on it, we'd be happy to give you pointers. 


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