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What is the Custom Tab with Miscellaneous Attributes for in Work Item?

Tim Fuller (471428) | asked Jun 01 '16, 12:59 p.m.
Just setup my first Lifecycle project in 6.0.1 and while customizing the Story work item, I discovered that the Editor Presentations for all the work items in the RTC Project have a tab called "Custom" with two attributes, both named "Miscellaneous." in slot left and ... .collector_wide in slot right. They have two keys, autocollect (true) and width set.  The Tab doesn't show up (at least not yet) in the UI when creating a work item. What are they for?  Should all work items have this tab?  Is it something new in version 6x?  Scrum template was used to setup RTC in the Lifecycle project.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 02 '16, 2:20 a.m.
The "Custom" tab is there since RTC 1.0, I think. It has nothing to do with lifecycle projects it is RTC only.

The "Custom" tab only works in Eclipse. It collects all the attributes that don't have an editor presentation configured. You basically should configure editor presentations yourself and won't need that tab.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

GURVINDER SOKHI commented Jun 01 '20, 11:03 a.m.

Hi Ralph

We have our own custom process template based on OTB process template. For custom tab we plan to override and set the autocollect to ‘false’. Will this change have any detrimental effects?

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 02 '20, 11:19 a.m.

I do not know. You will have to try it out. 

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