How to get primary text for DOORS Next artifact revision using RPE?
Accepted answer
I am afraid you cannot get this as DNG does not support the filter by revision. https://server:port/rm/publish/resources?resourceURI=_KtfbV55xEeSkVYJ_aOdUAg&revision=_KtfbWp5xEeSkVYJ_aOdUAg always gives latest vale.
However you can report on baselines as explained in
However you can report on baselines as explained in
One other answer
Maybe that used to be the case but not any more. I'm on DNG 7.0.2
For an artifact like this:
A collections of revisions can be selected like so (note publish/revisions instead of publish/resources) :
That returns all the revisions for that resource. In the collection of revisions there is: