RTC Extension for email notify after baseline creation

One answer

I guess the old forum should provide some guideline to implement what you need. I guess only trigger for notification seems to be a work item state change so once you bind a work item with your baseline creation action, it might be feasible
com.ibm.team.workitem.service.internal.save.notify.ChangeEventMailNotifier in the SDK
The following link is based on Plain Java Client but I think the similar API can be found from SDK.
Hope this helps

There is no direct extension point for create baseline. It might be possible to use an asynchronous task or an event handling extension (there is still no operation/event create baseline, but there is deliver baseline and that should be good enough).
I still question the use of sending mails around just because someone creates a baseline. The built creates a baseline every time it runs on the build workspace. You will likely only end up with frustrated users with blocked e-mail functions due to their quota.

Thanks for the replies.
Deliver of a baseline is good enough.
I will read your asynchronous task guide to figure out how to do this.
Thanks again.

My point is, that you can not trigger on baseline creation as far as I can tell.

I understand.
And if I want to send an email after every delivery that take place, is it possible?

That would work, see https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/11/01/restrict-delivery-of-changesets-to-workitem-types-advisordelivery-of-changesets-associated-to-wrong-work-item-types-advisor/ for a pre condition using the deliver operation. You want a follow up action.

Thank you for all the help!
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