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How can I persist the value of the Resolutions of a defect in a workflow RTC?

Hector Zamorano (113) | asked May 04 '16, 11:53 a.m.

Hello everybody.
I have a defect workflow in RTC, the last states are: Resolve and Close. In the state "Resolve" I can select the "Resolutions" (Fixed, Duplicated, Wontfix...), but the next state is "Close" and when I save the work item the "Resolutions" field is reset
and disappear the values saved in the previous state ("Resolve"). How can I persist the value of the Resolutions of a defect in a workflow RTC?


1.  Select the "Resolutions" in the State "Resolve" and save the work item.

2.  When I select the next state "Close" the "Resolutions" field is reset and
disappear the values saved in the previous state ("Resolve").

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered May 04 '16, 11:58 p.m.
Hi, Hector

You can go to defect's workflow window(ccm/admin > work item > work flow in Web UI) and
make sure in the Action section, Close has the same resolutions settings as in Resolve.
and in State section, Close state will 'show resolution' checked there.

Hopefully this works for you.

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