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RTC 5.0.2 - Project Details widget missing in Dashboard

vishnudharan manivannan (1183742) | asked Feb 03 '15, 10:58 p.m.
 Hello Everyone,

Recently we upgraded our RTC environment from 4.0.5 -> 5.0.2

The upgrade was successful. However we see that the "Project Details" widget is missing in the Dashboard page.

Is this a defect or was this removed in the current version of RTC ?

Thanks in advance
Vishnu M

Accepted answer

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Shradha Srivastav (348413) | answered Feb 03 '15, 11:45 p.m.
The Project area and Team area Details pane are removed from dashboards in CLM5.0.
Please see the below WI:

Please read the below article on New and newworthy features for CLM5.0:
vishnudharan manivannan selected this answer as the correct answer

vishnudharan manivannan commented Feb 04 '15, 5:16 a.m.

 It makes more sense to add those 3 widgets individually if required.

Thank you very much..

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