How do I set up the data warehouse?
I'm installing CLM version 6.01 and have created all the databases in MS SQL Server. however when I go to configure the data warehouse, I get pretty confused. It defaults to Derby, but if I click on SQL Server, the example shows the 'jazz' database which doesn't exist, and there are values like 'table set' that the directions don't give me guidance on. Or should I keep the default Derby installation?
One answer
The setup wizard will not know what database you have created, so it should not matter what it shows by default. Have you checked the official documents?
(Step 9)
(Step 9)
yes, I followed the official documents, but still don't know what SQL database to use. the example on the setup pages suggest using the database 'jazz'. But the setup (above links) didn't configure a 'jazz' database. Maybe its the 'dcc' one?
Refer to sentence 5b on this link.
where do I find these values for MS SQL Server?
If you refer to the first link in my answer above, that will be the "dw" database. Note that the page does not "suggest" any values, and it should be taken as a placeholder only.