Source control usage report & how to "clean up" CCM database. Is there any white papers on this subject?

Is there a way (report/query/etc) that I can determine when the last time data was added to a component/stream? In our environment (now about 5 years) the CCM database has grown very big & I have been requested to determine what data could be deleted (that might free up space.
Are there any white papers on this subject?
One answer

As far as i am concerned, there is no way how you could easily delete any data from the database. The SCM system allows to delete certain states, which might be of interest if you are checking in huge binaries, however, there is no easy way to determine what could be deleted and to delete it automatically.
The same applies to deleting attachments and build result or any other data.
The same applies to deleting attachments and build result or any other data.