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can install two different version rtc in one machine?

I installed RSA 8.5 with RTC client 5.0.2 earlier, I install RSAD 9.5 with RTC 6.0.1 client today, in RTC 6.0.1, I cannot "connecting to an existing project area" -- when I click File->Accept Team Invitation --> connecting to an existing project area, the window is closed, but no error , no future response -- The client 5.0.2 ( RSA 8.5) is not started in that time
2 answers

If you know what you are doing you can have as many different versions of the tools on your machine. Clients as well as servers.
You have to install them side by side and keep the install folders and the public URI's separate and make sure only one instance is using one port. You would have to be careful with Eclipse workspaces, as there have been incompatibilities in the past e.g. once used with version N I have seen issues when opening with version N-1.
You have to install them side by side and keep the install folders and the public URI's separate and make sure only one instance is using one port. You would have to be careful with Eclipse workspaces, as there have been incompatibilities in the past e.g. once used with version N I have seen issues when opening with version N-1.