Moving from Maven to Gradle integration requires removing all the .project files resulting in empty change sets on the Rational Team Concert SCM side.
Accepted answer
In order to overcome this we need to use the workspace that we had worked on previously and had not imported in via the gradle plugin but had ran the gradle init and had cleaned out the existing pom files and .project files - C:\workspaces\Maven-FX_IntegrationWorkspace_gradle in order to be able to get this to share in RTC. Don’t modify anything and had RTC create the ignored resources for us when going through and ignoring files.
We then need to unloaded the workspace and reloaded. It should throw an error message since when doing the gradle import it looks for a gradle.prefs at the powersuitefx-master-module level
Therefore, we need to copy from another workspace and modify the path to be the workspace that was working in. We will need to look at that for the future and might just require everyone to copy in the specific info in the gradle.prefs
{"1.0": {"project_path": ":","project_dir": "C:\\workspaces\\FXTestwithRTC601Version\\powersuitefx-master-module","connection_project_dir": "C:\\workspaces\\FXTestwithRTC601Version\\powersuitefx-master-module","connection_gradle_user_home": null,"connection_gradle_distribution": "GRADLE_DISTRIBUTION(WRAPPER)","connection_java_home": null,"connection_jvm_arguments": "","connection_arguments": ""}}
Additionally, it made modifications to the master-module.proj where it added in a bunch of ids. I undid those changes and might have to add this .project to the ignored resources. We should be able to check in other subproject files with no issues when having the .project file look the way it is suppose to.
It appears that it does this everytime you import the gradle project. So more effort will need to go into this and determine why this is happening.
Here's the .project before
Here's the .project after
Check in this version and we should have the same issue where we could not check in files any longer and they showed up blank.
Undoing these changes is going to throw another error saying it doesn't exist.
To overcome this we need to reload the workspace and make sure that the .project file is not modified. It should work afterwards.