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Why Does a Work Item Query Not Return All Results for parameter 'starts with'?

Everette Lawson (14411) | asked Mar 03 '16, 10:03 a.m.

When querying work items with 'starts with', some items are not displayed.  When querying with 'contains', all work items are displayed.  For instance;

Work Item Summary is TDRTDR 90777 - Happy Days

Shows with 'contains TDR', but does not show with 'starts with TDR'

sam detweiler commented Mar 03 '16, 10:55 a.m. | edited Mar 03 '16, 10:55 a.m.

can u tell if there is a space (or some other whitespace char) in front of the TDR where it doesn't match Starts With.

Everette Lawson commented Mar 03 '16, 10:58 a.m.

No, there is no space before the first TDR.

sam detweiler commented Mar 03 '16, 11:27 a.m.

can u do this as a test,
edit the workitem,
got to the summary field
press home key, delete til T is gone,
insert 111 in front of DR
search for starts with 111DR

Donald Nong commented Mar 03 '16, 10:37 p.m.

I just tried with the said summary (copy & paste) and it worked fine with "starts with" and "contains".

2 answers

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Everette Lawson (14411) | answered Mar 04 '16, 8:12 a.m.

permanent link
Everette Lawson (14411) | answered Mar 04 '16, 8:15 a.m.

The initial problem was not completely defined by the user. The work item was created with the RTC Eclipse Client and the user used "rich text formatting" in the Summary. Rich text formatting is not currently supported in Rational CLM.

sam detweiler commented Mar 04 '16, 8:24 a.m.

amazing how they leave out the little details!.. so, some non printable character was in front of the actual content

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