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Setup clm monitoring jmx connection

HÃ¥kan Hagenrud (111) | asked Mar 03 '16, 9:29 a.m.
I am trying to setup the CLM monitoring service on one linux server to monitor another server that serves out rm and all other services.
I am following the instructions and can verify that a service is listening on port 1099 on the server that should be monitored.
I have also added both servers as friends and added the rest instruction to server.xml (<feature>restConnector-1.0</feature>)
But the jmx connection fails everytime with this error message in the log of the monitoring server:

2016-03-03 15:19:27,323 [csm: Diagnostic] ERROR ervice.internal.liberty.LibertyMBeanServerProvider  - CRCSM3041E Error creating a JMX connection with the provided server: service:jmx:rest://fqdn.of.server:1099/IBMJMXConnectorREST

Please advice

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 03 '16, 10:30 p.m.
Not sure it helps or not - last time I configured CSM 6.0, I had problems with CSM Agent on both Tomcat and WAS (full version, not Liberty), in particular the connection type. On Tomcat, JSR160RMI and RMI both worked fine but SOAP appeared problematic. It is the opposite on WAS, where only SOAP worked. I did not try to find out the cause as I could proceed further as long as a connection could be established.

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