How do I query RTC work items with a time range
I am trying to use the RTC API to query workitems that have been created within a certain time frame (i.e between July 1 and Jan 1). I am using the property dc:created to do that but not having much luck with the format / syntax for a range.
This is what I am trying to do and it fails with a - TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
(Note: I am using a python library - )
query_string = ('dc:created>="07-01-2015T01:00:00Z" and dc:created<"01-01-2016T01:00:00Z"')
I have tried reversing the > and < and didn't have much luck either
turning on debug shows - INFO query:Query: Start to query workitems with query string: dc:created>="07-01-2015T01:00:00Z" and dc:created<"01-01-2016T01:00:00Z"
I am able to get data for
query_string = ('dc:created>="07-01-2015T01:00:00Z"')
and also this works
query_string = ('dc:created>="07-01-2015T01:00:00Z" and dc:type="defect"')
Any help would be greatly appreciated.