RQMExcelImporter & RQM Rest API
I want to import test cases from EXCEL to RQM, I found some introduction on RQMExcelImporter, it support this function, but I don't know how to set the config file to meet our requirement. Or can I say, what's the property name for the below items in RQM Rest API?
We need import the below items for the test cases:
1. TEST NAME 2. Test case design 3.requirement 4. Expected Result
Below is the current config from internet, how can I modify it to meet our requirement?
// Categories are defined in a special way
testcase.category term="Category".value=F
testcase.category term="Function".value=H
// Sections are defined differently, the first part within the quotes is the section tag, and the optional second part after the comma
// defines the name of the section. Sections that already defined within RQM will use the display name they already have
Accepted answer
2 other answers
Hello Lei,
From the above config, it seems that you are looking to import some test cases into RQM using the RQM Excel Importer. I'm sure that you have seen this document but I wanted to place it for reference as well:
I'm not sure if you know, but when installing the Excel Importer, we do provide some sample files that can be imported into RQM. By default, the RQMExcelImporter is installed in:
C:\Program Files\IBM\RQMExcelImporter
In that folder you will also see if Samples folder that will contain sample .cfg and .xls that you can use as examples to import test cases, plans, scripts in from Excel to RQM.
I hope this helps.
Thank you Ted, it looks Expect results in Test case section is not supported when importing, from the below info, I am confused that expected result is the basic info for a test case, why it is not supported? Is there any method to implement it?
Supported Attributes and Configuration Syntax
Test Case
attribute name | syntax of the configuration | related samples |
Title | testcase.dc:title | Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls |
Description | testcase.dc:description | |
Estimate | testcase.estimate | |
Locked | testcase.locked | |
Priority | testcase.priority |
Supported values:
literal.priority.110 : Low, literal.priority.120 : Medium, literal.priority.130 : High, literal.priority.101 : Unassigned Example: testcase.priority="literal.priority.130" |
Owner | testcase.alm:owner | |
Suspect | testcase.suspect | |
Weight | testcase.weight | |
Creation Date | testcase.creationDate |
How did you get the impression that Expected Result is not supported? Check out the samples "Scripts that create testcases" and "Test Cases made from scripts"
Hi, Lei Ruan
Expected result is a concept of test script Not test case, hence you should look at the test script section instead and it is supported:
Test Script
attribute name | syntax of the configuration | related samples |
Title | testscript.dc:title | Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls |
Description | testscript.dc:description | |
Step Type | testscript.steps.type="execution"/"reporting"/"keyword" | |
Step Title | testscript.steps.title | |
Step Description | testscript.steps.description | |
Step Expected Result | testscript.steps.expectedResult | |
Step Comment | testscript.steps.comment | |
Link Step to keyword | testscript.steps.link |
Not quite right. Also test cases have an expected result section!
1 vote
Not sure why comment is not updated to my email.
Jorg is right. I missed out this section in test case.
Checking with the wiki article:
Sections are special cased to simplify their use and to keep their definitions from interfering with the period notation used otherwise. To update a section, simply use the following format:
testcase.Section("myns:com.ibm.rqm.planning.editor.section.testCaseAcceptanceCriteria", "RQM-KEY-TC-ACCEPT-CRITERIA-TITLE")=C
The ID and extension display name for test plan, test suite, and test case sections are list below:
Test Case:
Expected Results
id: com.ibm.rqm.planning.editor.section.testCaseExpectedResults
extensionDisplayName: RQM-KEY-TC-EXP-RESULTS-TITLE
It does provide the Expected Result section ids for ExcelImporter and Joao's latest update has shown how it can be done.
1 vote
I just received the following update by email:
"I just met a new problem, how can we set the line feed in the test case section?
The current effect is :
1.aaaaaaaaa 2.bbbbbbbbbb 3. ccccccccccc
How can I make it as:
I think (I didn't test it), you might can get this result with:
RichText() used to display the word/excel document format in the RQM rich text area. The corresponding RQM target attributes need to support rich text content. Details can refer to Sample "Test Cases made from scripts". This modifier is supported from RQM Excel Importer 4.0.1.
Lei Ruan
Mar 13 '16, 10:00 p.m.Thank you, it works!