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How to attach test evidence to test results using RQMURLUtility

libin sebastian (1746) | asked Sep 16 '15, 10:48 a.m.
edited Sep 16 '15, 10:28 p.m.
 Hi ,

  I am using the below command to upload an attachment to RQM. But i want to link that attachment to a RQM execution result.Is there any way to attach the test evidences(Screenshots) to RQM  and link to test results when we create a new test results in RQM using RQM  urlutility?

I am using the below command now -
java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command POST -user myid -password mypaswd -filepath mypath 
-url https://localhost:9443/qm/service/<myProjectArea>/attachment

One answer

permanent link
William Chen (31215) | answered Sep 16 '15, 3:00 p.m.
Hi Libin,

No arguments are available from RQMURLUtility to link attachments against test results. You would need to update test results with a link to attachment URI directly. Please take a look at this example - Upload Attachment to a test artifact.


libin sebastian commented Sep 17 '15, 2:14 a.m. | edited Nov 20 '15, 1:00 p.m.

 Is there any way to get the id of the attachment which is posted to RQM using url utility command I am using the below command now -

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command POST -user myid -password mypaswd -filepath mypath 

Can some one help me in finding the id of the attachment?

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