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How to export a work item template?

Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | asked Feb 26 '16, 4:20 a.m.
edited Feb 27 '16, 3:18 a.m.
Is there a way to export a work item template? Additionally, is there a way to edit existing work item template?

As Matt mentioned, my purpose is to import the work item template into another project area which has most the same process configuration.

4 answers

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Feb 26 '16, 4:30 a.m.
edited Feb 26 '16, 4:31 a.m.

You could use RTC Eclipse Client for this..

After connecting to the Repository, choose :
File > Export > Team > Work Item Template > pick the Project Area and the specific template you would like to export.

  export work item template

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Feb 26 '16, 4:34 a.m.
edited Feb 26 '16, 4:36 a.m.

Good Morning,

To be clear are you asking to export a work item template from one project area to another project area "that has the same Project / Template configuration" ?

If your projects have Exactly the same configuration:

(Just seen the other suggested method - which looks cleaner  but below is good also)

In Eclipse - find the Templates under work Items > make a note of the Identifier.

Select the Links tab and then in the Attachments you should find the Template ID.XML - Save as.

Then open your new Project Area and Add....   You should then see the new Shared Template listed.

Give that a try - but please only if the Project Area's have the same configuration.


Matt Muller

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Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | answered Feb 27 '16, 3:15 a.m.
Hi, Matt
You are right, I am actually want to import the template to the similar project area which I copied from the other project area process configuration xml file, but I find the work item template do not work. So I want to export/import work item template.
But I am not clear about your word "In Eclipse - find the Templates under work Items > make a note of the Identifie", I understand this step want to get the Template ID.xml, but I do not know how to do it? Can you give more instruction? Thanks very much!

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Mar 02 '16, 4:38 a.m.


The Actual File is held as an Attachment in the <Links tab> within the Project Area Config.

The Description and Identification - is in the <Process configuration tab>  > Work Items > Templates.

However saying all that looks like Dinesh has a nice way to Export the Work Item Template.

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