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An attribute value which automatically increments

Arshad MoilingalZiyad (113) | asked Feb 23 '16, 8:19 a.m.
Is it possible to define an attribute value to an artifact type which automatically increments when artifact of that type created(similar to attribute ID)?

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Michele Pegoraro (1.8k14119103) | answered Feb 23 '16, 8:37 a.m.
Some simple things could be done using javascript based calculated value, but this things seems to be more complex as it involves the run of a query to catch the increment of elements.

Can I ask you what is the purpose of having this attribute? Maybe there are other ways.

Arshad MoilingalZiyad commented Feb 23 '16, 9:06 a.m.

Hello Michele,

Usage is for the RREQ tool for the traceability outside of ALM tool(CCM, RQM)

For the RREQ tool, input is a word document.
And in this word document, only a set of requirements(sentences) needs to tracked using the keywords $PROD and format looks like '[$PROD<number>]'

So, what I thought is to associate a new attribute to new artifact type (only for tracking for the rreq tool) which automatically increment.


Is it possible to reflect the same value in ID attribute to newly created attribute, with this also unique number is assigned?

Michele Pegoraro commented Feb 26 '16, 5:05 a.m.

I'm sorry but I don't know the RREQ tool but yes, if you only need a unique id (and the work item ID could suit), you can create a custom attribute and then use a calculated value (from the Customize Attribute section in the process configuration) to set its value as a string plus the work item id.

This link will show you how to do it:

Michele Pegoraro commented Feb 26 '16, 5:19 a.m.

I'm sorry but I don't know the RREQ tool but yes, if you only need a unique id (and the work item ID could suit), you can create a custom attribute and then use a calculated value (from the Customize Attribute section in the process configuration) to set its value as a string plus the work item id.

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 26 '16, 5:27 a.m. | edited Feb 26 '16, 5:28 a.m.

I am not sure about what you can do in Doors next. I would be able to answer this question in Rational Team Concert and the answer would be: Extension to generate unique custom work item numbers

For RDNG I am not sure how the answer would be. The answer is somewhere in: . As I haven't ventured too deep into this topic yet, I can't say if you can or can't do this.

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