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Attributes in exported document in normal text format rather table format

Arshad MoilingalZiyad (113) | asked Feb 23 '16, 8:14 a.m.

In DNG, there is an option to 'include attributes' in the creating the word document using the option 'Create and Print Microsoft Word document'

But, the attributes are listed in the table format in the exported document.

1. Is it possible add option to export the attributes in normal text format rather table format by default.
2. Is it possible to customise the attributes to user defined text message(example: Given below [1])?

[1]: Attribute name: $PROD and Attribute Value: 3232
In the exported document, attribute and its value should appears like '[$PROD 3232]'

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Fabian Lomeli (2213) | answered Mar 02 '16, 2:28 p.m.
Hi Arshad,
The reports in DNG are template-based and are shipped with the product as out of the box reports.  The way the attributes are displayed (in a table) comes from the RPE template so it is possible to change to your requirements like you said: <Attribute-Name> <Attribute Value>

You can follow up this wiki to know better what to do. Modifying the RRC included reports, you are talking about those reports that are used by quick-print.  I should mention that modifying out-of-the-box reports is under your responsibility.

You can visit the Reporting Wiki page for any further reference: RRCReportingWiki

Hope this helps

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