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Is it possible to assign user to plan without allocation or use more than 100% user allocation?

Christian Winkler (1321623) | asked Feb 11 '16, 4:19 a.m.


I am using RTC 5.0.2 and try to use traditional planning.

I am looking for a kind of switch to enable "unrealistic" planning in RTC. According to "JAZZ manual pages" for planning, I should first do a planning without user assignment. Create a proposed snapshot and then add user assignments and sort my plan new.

I want to assign the tasks to users, but use 100% of the resource. But I do not want to influence the other projects.

Isn't it possible to an user with more than 100% in several projects?

We are not using JAZZ for resource planning, therefore I want to create my plans without doing the allocation.

And additionally I am looking for something to change the past of a plan. So what happens if a workitem is not started as planned because a user forgot to start and stop it? The complete plan is destroyed. Maybe we are working too confused, but it happens very often.


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 11 '16, 5:37 a.m.
As far as I can tell, you can not over allocate a user in RTC on one CCM server. The allocation is managed centralized on the user record and it would prevent overbooking for all I know.

You can not change the past of the plan, or the plan snapshot data. There is no UI available for that. Please also keep in mind, that in RTC a plan is a life view on the work items in its scope and not just some arbitrary data in a tool like MS Project.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 11 '16, 9:48 p.m.
You need to distinguish two kinds of time allocations.

The first is the allocation of the percentage of a user's time to a particular team area.
The total of all those allocation can never be greater than 100% (for a given RTC repository).
If you are not concerned about resource planning, then you can just let RTC automatically manage that assignment (which it does, by evenly dividing a user's time percentage to each of the team areas to which that user is assigned).

The second is the allocation of a set of tasks to a given user (by making that user the "owner" of those tasks).   For that, you can over-allocate the user as much as you want ... RTC will just show you how over-allocated that user is for a given team area (which is only an interesting value if you have explicitly assigned that user the appropriate percentage of time to that team area).

I didn't understand what you meant by "the complete plan is destroyed".   The RTC plan is live and reflects reality, and you are expected to adjust work item information at any time, and those adjustments are instantly reflected in the plan (so if you forgot to adjust the values in a work item, just make the adjustments when you notice it).

Christian Winkler commented Feb 12 '16, 8:17 a.m.

The first kind on allocation is where I have most problems with.
My use case is more like creating a plan with assigned users, because I know which user can do what, and later care for their allocation. First I create my plan and later clarify if the user is available and maybe struggle with other planners for this recourse.

The second kind of allocation I cannot reproduce. When I follow the JAZZ way of planning, I first create my plan, have some tasks and define predecessors and successors. Then I create the proposed snapshot.
I have 2 tasks which start at the same time. When I now add the same user for these 2 tasks, one of them is moved after the other. No possibility to have both tasks running at the same time on one user.
I've allocated the user with 50% for that timeline, but that has no influence, I think.

With "destroying the plan" I meant that all tasks are shifted to later dates.
OK, I can then edit the estimate by the shifted time, but I have no information, which was the last defined start date (how much we shifted already).

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 12 '16, 8:43 a.m. | edited Feb 12 '16, 8:44 a.m.

The planning does not support parallel tasks for planning. Once a user starts more than one tasks, they show as parallel.
You have multiple types of plan snapshots and you can compare them to see the changes. In the roadmap/Gantt chart, you can also show the planned time from the last planned snapshot and the current.


Christian Winkler commented Feb 16 '16, 10:04 a.m.

OK, it makes sense that I cannot plan parallel tasks, but what did Geoffrey describe in his answer? He said I can overallocate users for a team area. How?

Geoffrey Clemm commented Feb 19 '16, 2:29 p.m.

You can overallocate how many hours a user is assigned for a particular time period in the team area, but you cannot overallocate the percentage of a user's time is assigned to all team areas.   So you can assign the user an arbitrary number of tasks for a given team area for a given sprint, but you cannot assign a user 40% for teamA, 40% for teamB, and 40% for teamC  (since the total team area allocation for a given user must be less than 100%).  

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