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How do I copy and paste MS Word content into RDNG and retain MS Word Track Changes formatting/color

Daniel Senko (171311) | asked Jan 28 '16, 4:47 p.m.
Greetings RDNGers, here's a fun one today:  hoping someone already solved it.

Background: I have existing (large) Word Documents that are being updated with new requirements. Standard MS Word Track Changes function is being used and inserted/deleted text is highlighted with underline/strike-through and color (the standard default ... red).  A section of the document that spans paragraphs or pages may only have a small amount of new requirements and the Track Changes in red makes it easy to quickly find the changes (requirements are not often independent statements or list items - they may be inserted text in a paragraph or new paragraph or table updates). 

We need to copy these changes into RDNG artifacts so we can link to the artifacts from our design artifacts for traceability.   As we do reviews and users/developers follow links for traceability, they need to easily find the new requirements.

Standard copy/paste does not retain the Track Changes formatting and color.   I followed this link and can get the changed text to retain underscores and strike-throughs when pasted into RDNG UI Editor but I encounter an error when saving:

ID CRRRW7346E  The artifact content is not valid RM XHTML.
cvc-attribute.3: The value '2016-01-28T15:28' of attribute 'datetime' on element 'del' is not valid with respect to its type, 'Datetime'.

Any ideas on how to workaround the save error or an alternate process to copy/paste and retain the Track Changes formatting?

BTW: Importing the existing docs to RDNG and making changes in RDNG is not an option. 

Donald Nong commented Jan 28 '16, 8:31 p.m.

Just to clarify, do you want to keep the appearance of the text (underscores, strike-throughs, and etc) only, or the real "changes" - meaning that when you change the requirements, the underscores and strike-throughs will appear automatically? Keep in mind that RDNG uses a format different from that MS Word uses to store the requirement text.

Daniel Senko commented Jan 29 '16, 8:25 a.m.


Thanks for asking.  I want to get the text and Track Changes markup from an MS Word document into an RDNG artifact that displays the markup and saved.  The source will remain in MS Word and will not be edited in RDNG so just think of these as Requirements anchor/reference artifacts. 

I am NOT asking to have the equivalent of Track Changes markup be available in RDNG when editing artifacts (though I wonder if that has been an enhancement request submitted to IBM but that's a different question).

I recognize RDNG uses a format different from that in MS Word so maybe I am asking for a really smart hack :-)

Donald Nong commented Jan 31 '16, 6:13 p.m.

If that's what you want, is there a way to convert the "track changes markup" to "normal text" in Word before importing into RDNG? I think you will have a better chance this way.

2 answers

permanent link
Randolph Simmons (712) | answered Feb 01 '16, 10:15 a.m.
Based on your requirement of keeping all your MS Word formatting, you may want to upload your entire MS WORD document to RDNG and you can continue editing  and uploading new versions from MS WORD. Below is the procedure for this operation

Uploading files to a requirements project

permanent link
Daniel Senko (171311) | answered Feb 02 '16, 12:26 p.m.
I have concluded that I cannot do what I want to do with copy/paste from Word to RDNG and retaining Track Changes markup (though it is possible from Word to Outlook which of course is still MS to MS - see the referenced URL above).  I appreciate the responses.  I think Donald understood what I wanted to accomplish. 

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