RTC 6.0: How to get log-in user password in RTC Eclipse client

I able to get the repository URL, username from the user login in RTC Eclipse client but i need password as well to use all these properties in my custom plugin that will fetch data from DNG. can anyone help let me know how to get the password or some other way to get session object and use it in DNG login ?. Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer

No Ralph, It is possible. Thanks to my colleague Nilesh.
ITeamRepository teamRepositoy[] = TeamPlatform.getTeamRepositoryService().getTeamRepositories();
ITeamRepository currentRepository = teamRepositoy[0];
UsernameAndPasswordLoginInfo loginInfo = (UsernameAndPasswordLoginInfo) currentRepository.getLoginInfo();
ITeamRepository teamRepositoy[] = TeamPlatform.getTeamRepositoryService().getTeamRepositories();
ITeamRepository currentRepository = teamRepositoy[0];
UsernameAndPasswordLoginInfo loginInfo = (UsernameAndPasswordLoginInfo) currentRepository.getLoginInfo();