Extracting data from RTC[5.0.2] - IE vs chrome followup operation

Hello all,
We have written a server side follow-up operation to extract a value of an Medium HTML attribute[DOORS module link] and then later do some operations.
Here is the data which i have received while saving the work item from chrome[47.0.25]:
And the data extracted from IE 11:
//"<"a href="http://localhost:8080/dwa/rm/urn:rational::1-5613480c7c10756b-M-0
Is there a reason why there is a difference between the data from these two browsers??
Abhishek Kumar
One answer

I don't see a reason why, and I can not spot any difference, except that your paste broke the second value in two parts.

Hi Ralph,
I made a mistake the link tag didn't show up.. when we extract the data from IE and convert it into a string
String location = (String) workitem.getValue(doorsLoc);
here doorsLoc is a handle attribute type medium html.
i get the above results (see question) while running the same plugin in different browsers.
Any explanation for the above behaviour??
Thanks in Advance..

I do not see any difference between the two either.