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RTC build repository settings

kelly hu (21216) | asked Dec 16 '15, 9:07 a.m.
Hi RTC builds admins,
Currently I'm configuring RTC post-build deploy function with u-Deploy. when I created a new repository for build server, and added components(SC1, SC2) from different RTC projects within the same repository(JAZZ), and also set one flow target(FT1) from one stream.  When I run the build, the build server started fetch files from RTC SCM, but it didn't include the SC2's sourcecode, only has SC1's source code, so the build failed.
        I also requested load action from build server, it can load both SC1 & SC2's source code successfully. When I request build again(close RTC from build server), it removed the SC2's source code and reload the SC1's source code again. From the build repository, the component SC2 was deleted only left component SC2. Then, build failed again.

Do you have any suggestions? thanks a lot.

e.g.  RTC repository - JAZZ
        Project A, project B under the repository JAZZ
        Sourcecontrol component: SC1 belongs to project A
        Sourcecontrol component: SC2 belongs to project B
        SC1's sourcecode projects(p1,p2,p3) need involve SC2's sourcecode projects(p4)' reference so that can build successfully.
        Sourcecontrol component: SC1's flow target is FT1
        Sourcecontrol component: SC2's flow target is FT2

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