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RTC CQ Bridge

Brian Wolfe (25613725) | asked Jul 31 '09, 4:38 p.m.
I enabled the bridge today on my devs ervers(running WAS) and found that I am the only user who can see the link to CQ records.

Even other JazzAdmins cannot see the tab(link)

Any idea what I missed? it works perfectly well fopr me

3 answers

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 03 '09, 9:58 a.m.
CQ Bridge Tab is enabled only for "RTC Developer" and "Change
Management" licenses. If other users do not have this license they will
not be able to view the tab. Please verify what license those other
users have.

Note: The "Change Management" license are customers who have CQ
licenses. License keys for those licenses are included in the
release of ClearQuest.


wolfeb99 wrote:
I enabled the bridge today on my devs ervers(running WAS) and found
that I am the only user who can see the link to CQ records.

Even other JazzAdmins cannot see the tab(link)

Any idea what I missed? it works perfectly well fopr me

permanent link
Brian Wolfe (25613725) | answered Aug 05 '09, 10:17 a.m.
Shouldn't Floating Developer give the same permission? All of my users have floating dev licenses.

Regarding change management licenses: How does RTC know what licenses have been assigned in CQ?

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 06 '09, 7:49 a.m.
Yes, floating developer should give the same permission. Brian has
submitted defect 89322 on this issue.

Currently, the change management licenses are managed the same way as
the Contributor and Developer licenses, i.e. you install the license
activation kit on your RTC server, and then type in the number of
licenses you have purchased. The change management license activation
kits are part of the CQ- release. You are entitled to one
floating license for each CQ floating license you have, and one
authorized license for each CQ authorized license you have. As with all
RTC licenses, you are required by the licensing terms to enter the
correct number in the license server.

Note: We are looking into automating this, by forwarding Change
Management license requests from the Jazz license server to the
ClearQuest Flexlm license server.

Note: The Change Management license currently is only available when you
purchase CQ ... they cannot be purchased separately. If you aren't a CQ
user, you would purchase either a "Developer" or a "Contributor" license.


wolfeb99 wrote:
Shouldn't Floating Developer give the same permission? All of my
users have floating dev licenses.

Regarding change management licenses: How does RTC know what
licenses have been assigned in CQ?

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