Problem when exporting many test cases
I have a problem when I export a excel doc to RQM with many tests cases. I press the button "Export", RQM Export only show "Creating Artifacts" and then it remain in the last state and it doesn't export any test case.
If my Excel document have few tests cases, I haven't got any problem.
I'm using Excel 2013 and version 5.0 of RQM.
William Chen
Jan 14 '16, 11:05 p.m.Hi Daniel,
Can you upload the debug log?
The debug log file location:
C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Mso2Rqm log directory, where USER is the ID of the user (pre-Windows 7)
C:\Documents and Settings\USER\AppData\Roaming\Mso2Rqm log directory, where USER is the ID of the user (Windows 7)
Daniel Gálvez
Dec 17 '15, 3:55 a.m.Daniel Gálvez
Jan 14 '16, 11:05 p.m.Daniel Gálvez
Jan 14 '16, 11:05 p.m.And my file configuration:
William Chen
Dec 17 '15, 6:25 p.m.I have not seen this problem before but there might be a problem in your Excel file. A working import log should capture below information:
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: RQMExporter Startup!
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Mso2Rqm: Mso2Rqm instantiated
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Destroyed commands
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: caption : RQM
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Created commands
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: offline exec form created
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Browse in offline exec form pressed
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Doing RQMS import
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Reading script XML
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Destroyed commands
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Destroyed commands
INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Mso2Rqm Shutdown!
Can you import any of our samples? They can be found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RQMExcelImporter\Samples