RTC 2.0 Daschboards - download from Internet at first usage?
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| asked Jul 30 '09, 12:10 p.m.
A customer has et up RTC 2.0 on a server using the zip files.
Accessing the dashboards the first time he noticed that RTC is trying to access the internet and download components. The server does not have internet access. What could RTC Dashboards try to install? Flash? What needs to be installed that the server would not need to download things from the internet? Thanks, Ralph |
2 answers
Thanks for posting the topic, Ralph. As you just recommended on the phone, I downloaded and installed the Adobe Flash Player. Everything worked fine.
Thanks for your immediate support, Markus |
Correct - the Work Item Statistics viewlet requires flash for the pie, bar, and column chart presentations. The table presentation is not flash based, so you can use it as an alternative. Presentation is selected from the viewlet settings.
Thanks, Curt |
Your answer
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