Any way to configure the RTC SCM Web client to support editing Markdown files

We are using RTC v 5.0.2
We are looking at storing documentation in RTC SCM in the form of markdown files. And making it EASY for business analysts to update via the RTC Web Front End.
Markdown ( is a lightweight markup language written inplain text..... but typically saved as a ".md" file extension.
I know you can use the RTC Web front end to create and edit text files (*.txt) .... is there any way to configure RTC's web front end to :
1. recognize that markdown files (*.md) should be treated as text files and not binary?
2. Can we update the RTC web editor to support syntax highlighting for markdown files? If you view a .java file in the RTC web front end for example... you get syntax highlighting ... is this something that we can setup for markdown files?
I know the IBM BlueMix online editor has good support for Markdown ... just keen to understand what we can do with RTC v 5.0.2