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Assigning work items to team areas

Shawn Willden (212) | asked Jul 29 '09, 9:31 a.m.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I think I would like to be able to move work items between team areas. It appears that a work item is automatically assigned to the team area of the creator of the work item, but it's common for me to create work items which will be worked by a member of another team. Of course the item can be assigned to a member of another team easily enough (though it does give me a warning about that), but in most cases I would like to just assign the work item to the team, and then let the team decide which team member is responsible.

Is there a way to do this?


3 answers

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Jul 29 '09, 10:59 a.m.
JAZZ DEVELOPER (swillden) wrote in news:h4pjbp$h9d

It appears that a work
item is automatically assigned to the team area of the creator of the
work item,

I noticed the File Against attribute associated with the work item
categories of the process decide of the team area.

Christophe Elek
Jazz L3
IBM Software Group - Rational

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 29 '09, 11:14 a.m.
Use the "Move/Copy to Project Area" operation on the context menu of the
work item.


swillden wrote:

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I think I would like to be
able to move work items between team areas. It appears that a work
item is automatically assigned to the team area of the creator of the
work item, but it's common for me to create work items which will be
worked by a member of another team. Of course the item can be
assigned to a member of another team easily enough (though it does
give me a warning about that), but in most cases I would like to just
assign the work item to the team, and then let the team decide which
team member is responsible.

Is there a way to do this?


permanent link
Shawn Willden (212) | answered Jul 30 '09, 5:13 p.m.
I noticed the File Against attribute associated with the work item categories of the process decide of the team area.

Thank you. I'll look into that.

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