How to notify certain team members when an artifact is locked/unlocked?

I'm on version 5.0.2 and I would like to notify certain members whenever a artifact is locked/unlocked.For example this can be either by email or by marking it as suspicious with a suspicion profile. However I can't find how to do either of these. When I create a suspicion profile I can't watch "Locked by" or "Locked on".
Thanks in advance!
One answer

Are you using Rational DOORS Next Generation 5.0.2? If so, that is not possible, at least for now.
P.S. Tag your post properly so that the SME can see your post when filtering by tags.
P.S. Tag your post properly so that the SME can see your post when filtering by tags.

Thanks for your answer and advice Donald.
Yes I am using DNG 5.0.2. However, we may be upgrading to 6.0.1 soon if this feature is included in it. Do you know if this is in 6.0.1?

I really doubt that. Note that an artifact is automatically locked when you edit it, and unlocked when you finish editing. This means that for an artifact that is frequently edited, you will get many "lock" notifications should this feature exist.
Paolo Macias
Jan 14 '16, 11:09 p.m.bump