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scm does not respect $HOME variable for .jazz-scm folder?

Eric Benzacar (411012) | asked Nov 10 '15, 3:56 p.m.
I'm trying to move my .jazz-scm folder from home $HOME folder to some other folder that I have specified.  However, does not seem to respect it.

--config ]  path
The Rational Team Concert source control command line client stores per-user metadata in a configuration directory. The configuration directory is normally $HOME/.jazz-scm, where $HOME represents your home directory. If you want to use a different configuration directory, specify its path name in path .

However, when I try the following:
# export HOME=/home/eric/jbe
# scm login  --repository-uri https://scm.ngf.local/ccm --username eric

it still creates my .jazz-scm folder under /home/eric and not /home/eric/jbe!

Is it not $HOME that it is using?  Should I be setting a different environment variable instead?



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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Nov 10 '15, 4:25 p.m.
edited Nov 10 '15, 5:02 p.m.
In Java Land home is the property user.home  (e.g.  java -Duser.home ..... ).  Plus, HOME should be treated as read-only as setting it may have no effect or certainly not the desired effect.    I'm going to wager that the java is taking the value of user.home if --config is not specified.

I ran strace on an scm login command.  There is no call to getenv of any variety and if I redefine HOME as you have found no scm data is written there.   Using --config with explicit path works.    

Eric Benzacar commented Nov 11 '15, 12:49 a.m.

I was afraid that might be happening.  I was hoping to find an environment variable to control the location of the .jazz-scm directory as modifying the parameters passed to scm is quite difficult, so passing the --config <path> parameter is not as simple as you might expect.

Shashikant Padur commented Nov 17 '15, 12:02 a.m.

You can either specify --config or you can set the environment variable SCM_CONFIG_DIRECTORY. Here is the link to the list of environment variables:

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