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regenerating storage models

i need to regenerate my ecore model.
following the instruction in https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ComponentDevelopmentSetup, i install the codegen-update-site-v200902041255.zip and add its plugins folder to the target platform... but when i try to generate component through Jazz Tools>Generate Component, the plugin.xml in the .common project not presents read_access_policy="PUBLIC"> attribute for the component node.
naturally in teamPackage EAnnotation i add the Entry Details "readAccessPolicy->PUBLIC"
i need to regenerate my ecore model.
following the instruction in https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ComponentDevelopmentSetup, i install the codegen-update-site-v200902041255.zip and add its plugins folder to the target platform... but when i try to generate component through Jazz Tools>Generate Component, the plugin.xml in the .common project not presents read_access_policy="PUBLIC"> attribute for the component node.
naturally in teamPackage EAnnotation i add the Entry Details "readAccessPolicy->PUBLIC"