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Using RMC 7.5 with RTC 2.0

Matthias Buettgen (23612332) | asked Jul 28 '09, 2:11 p.m.

Doess anybody know if it's possible to integrate the RMC 7.5 into RTC 2.0? My customer would like to develop his processes supported by RTC's work items.


7 answers

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Bruno Braga (48013621) | answered Jul 30 '09, 1:38 p.m.

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Bruno Braga (48013621) | answered Aug 05 '09, 11:29 a.m.
RTC 2.0 has support for file locks..., so the RMC supports the RTC now?

I know, in RMC the lock is necessary because the plugin.xml not be modified concurrently... but the integration is available?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 06 '09, 8:46 a.m.
Could you expand a bit on what you mean by "integrate RMC 7.5 into RTC

If you mean you'd like to have both the RMC 7.5 and the RTC 2.0 plug-ins
in the same Eclipse shell, then that is primarily whether those two
plug-ins are compatible with a common Eclipse version.

If you mean that you'd like to put the files produced by RMC 7.5 under
RTC source control, then that is certainly supported (you can put any
type of file under RTC source control).

Or did you mean that you'd like to develop documentation for RTC work
item processes using RMC?

Or ...?


mabu wrote:

Doess anybody know if it's possible to integrate the RMC 7.5 into RTC
2.0? My customer would like to develop his processes supported by
RTC's work items.


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Bruno Braga (48013621) | answered Aug 07 '09, 2:22 p.m.
If you mean that you'd like to put the files produced by RMC 7.5 under
RTC source control, then that is certainly supported (you can put any
type of file under RTC source control).

What I'm asking is this. But the RMC has particularities.

RMC Help:

Rational Method Composer should not be used with the following versions of Rational ClearCase because files in the method library cannot be easily merged.
ClearCase MultiSite
ClearCase UCM

These restrictions are the same for the RTC 1.x.

The RTC 2.x supports lock (like ClearCase Base), so now we would like to know if integration is possible.

Remember, according to RMC Help, you can't change files concorrently (merge problem).

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 07 '09, 3:03 p.m.
There is some support for file locking in RTC-2.0 ... namely you can put
a lock on a file in a given stream, and this shows up in the GUI for
anyone else working on that file.

But note that this lock just prevents you from delivering changes to
that file in that stream, but does not prevent you from actually
changing that file in your Eclipse workspace. So you can create a
branch if you are not paying attention to those "locked" annotations in
the GUI.

There is a work item for enforcing that lock in Eclipse at edit time
(work item 77416), so feel free to add your comment/support for that
work item if you want to see this behavior implemented.

So you'll have to decide whether you think the current support for file
locking in RTC-2.0 is sufficient to prevent branching of the RCM files.


bruno.braga wrote:
If you mean that you'd like to put the files produced by RMC 7.5
RTC source control, then that is certainly supported (you can put
type of file under RTC source control).

What I'm asking is this. But the RMC has particularities.

RMC Help:
Rational Method Composer should not be used with the following
versions of Rational ClearCase because files in the method library
cannot be easily merged.
ClearCase MultiSite
ClearCase UCM

These restrictions are the same for the RTC 1.x.

The RTC 2.x supports lock (like ClearCase Base), so now we would like
to know if integration is possible.

Remember, according to RMC Help, you can't change files concorrently
(merge problem).

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Bruno Braga (48013621) | answered Aug 07 '09, 6:20 p.m.
I think the branch will not solve the problem because I can't merge branchs in this case.

We have 3 people working at RMC at the same time, but they can't change the same files (RMC restriction). So I need a feature to "full lock" in RTC, to prevent change the same file concorrently.

I will comment about RMC in work item 77416.

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Thorsten Gau (8621212) | answered Aug 10 '09, 1:35 a.m.
I commented work item 77416.

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