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Rename eclipse project only on local workspace

Angelo Corna (26358382) | asked Oct 29 '15, 7:24 a.m.
Due an application requirement, we need to load some eclipse projects on a local workspace and rename them.
The new names must not be deliver for any reason.

Any suggestion in order to implement this scenario?

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Oct 29 '15, 12:01 p.m.
HEllo Angelo,

Once the workspace is loaded into the sand box, any changes made will end up in the pending changes view.  These changes do not need to be checked in.  however any incoming changes for the renamed files may cause conflicts which need to be resolved.

Since the files need to be renamed but not delivered, the best option would be to create an  eclipse project that will not be connected to RTC.  This way you can make all the changes you want, and none of them will be delivered.


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