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Module artifacts imported from a Word document displays unwanted blank lines

Andrew Clement (7272373) | asked Oct 21 '15, 1:22 a.m.
edited Oct 21 '15, 1:27 a.m.
I am using DOORS Next Generation 5.0.
After I imported a Word document with several paragraphs and created a module.
The module contains one artifact with several paragraphs.I found that there were blank lines between paragraphs.
I deleted those blank lines and then refresh the page, the blank lines came back.

The Word document has 3 paragraphs.

After importing the Word document into a module, an artifact is created.
There are blank lines between paragraphs.

Edit the artifact and remove the blank lines.

Click on refresh, those blank lines come back.

Accepted answer

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Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Oct 21 '15, 1:31 a.m.
 In Word, you can create two types of paragraphs.

One is created by pressing ENTER and a "paragraph mark will be inserted.
The other is created by pressing Shift+ENTER and a "manual line break  will be inserted.

DOORS Next Generation will create artifacts based on paragraph marks.
Since you only have one artifact created, your paragraphs are separated by manual line breaks.

It is found that DOORS Next Generation 5.0 will display those "manual line breaks" as a blank lines, even if you manually remove them.
This behaviour has been fixed in DOORS Next Generation 5.0.2 and above.
Andrew Clement selected this answer as the correct answer

Keith Collyer commented Oct 21 '15, 4:35 a.m.

Just wondering, are there physical blank lines into which you can place the cursor, or are these just because of paragraph spacing?

Andrew Clement commented Oct 21 '15, 6:11 a.m.

After double clicking on the artifact, there are physical blank lines into which you can place the cursor.
After placing the cursor, hitting delete key will remove the blank line.

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