RTC 5.0.2 Email Notifications Sending once Enabled though Changes Completed while Disabled.
Accepted answer
The issue was created by the changes for Defect E-mail notifications broken on jazz.net after 5.0 S3 upgrade (306699) The ChangeEventMailNotifier was refactored and now changes made when email is off are now added to the queue when e-mail notification is turned on. It was considered a defect that events would be lost when turning off email for maintenance or when there is a problem with the smtp server. The current behavior is the "correct" behavior.
The only workaround to avoid the email is before enabling mail notification, follow the technote http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21390701 scrub the change events in a very short time.
Oh my!
Judging by the technote I should be able configure the following in order to avoid the 30 day queueing that is default for Work Items?
ChangeEvent Expiration by Category = WorkItem:3600 (1 hour queue)
ChangeEvent Scrub Task Fixed Delay = 3600 (1 hour scrub frequency)
Alternately I could change ChangeEvent Default Expiration from 14 days (1209600 seconds) to 1 hour (3600 seconds) if I didn't care about it queueing anything in general beyond an hour?
Am I understanding that right?
Yes, you could change "ChangeEvent Default Expiration" to a even shorter time temporarily. But the bad thing is you need to restart CCM to make the change works.
Marek Siekierski
Oct 20 '15, 6:54 p.m.Hi Joel,