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Performance hintering by accessing/querying work items using REST API

Ratheesh Madathil (1371829) | asked Oct 20 '15, 4:35 a.m.


I have questions on using different APIs and the possible impact on server performance.

e.g. Do you recommend to execute below kind of queries on servers for huge data.[%20target/id=%27M01.7%27%20and%20type/]/%28id|summary%29

Added to this, if this has such performance implications, can restrict users from running such things on the servers.

Thank you for the hints.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 26 '15, 1:52 a.m.
This is the reportable REST API, which is used by the data collection (ETL) job. It does have a performance impact and that's why ETC jobs are usually scheduled to run during night time when less users are using the system. I don't think you can restrict the API use on a per user basis.

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